Saturday, July 19, 2008

Day 6 -- BFL -- Free Day! Semi-Religious Experience

Its Free Day! I always have problems rationalizing when Free-Day starts. Friday night is so tempting because I am usually going out or ready to unwind from a hectic week. I begin with, well can't free day begin at 6pm on Friday and end at 6pm on Saturday? I sound like a Biblical pharisee making up rules for the Sabbath day, another special day that only comes around once a week. This week I resisted. I sat through dinner and ate a reasonable proportion and watched while everyone else ate strawberry short cake with ice cream. And these are not your spongy cakes from the store. These are the home-made golden-brown, crispy on the outside, moist and some how crumbly, cakes that my wife makes. However, later that night I looked at the clock and it was 12:01 pm. My brain screamed "Its FREE DAY!" I poured the fresh strawberries from the fridge onto one of the beautiful cakes and ate it even without ice cream. It was soooo good. Then this morning I ate a pint of Hagen Daz chocolate ice cream for breakfast. I actually feel sick now. While satiated, I need to remember to tell my self that free day is part of the plan, but stretching its time period out until it envelopes the whole weekend is not. My goal is going to eat what ever I want (I believe that Bill Phillips is right that this is part of the plan) but from the time I wake up in the morning, until I go to bed. I can do this! I also need to monitor my cholesterol. I know that the plan works for helping me loose my hunger pangs, for loosing weight and building muscle, but I need a plan that eventually works to lower my cholesterol too.

1 comment:

BridgeRunner said...

Hello. I just wanted to encourage you to keep going! BFL really works. I did it several years ago and lost weight and got really fit. I am now training for my 5 marathon, but need to tone up as well so I think I will start BFL again, starting today! I'll check back from time to time to see how you're doing. God Bless and Peace!